Undergraduate Program
Bachelor of Business studies (Management)
B.B.S. First Year
List of Subjects:
- Business English (MGT 201)
- Business Statistics (MGT 202)
- Microeconomics for Business (MGT 207)
- Financial Accounting and Analysis (MGT 211)
- Principles of Management (MGT 213)
B.B.S. Second Year
List of Subjects:
- Business Communication (MGT 205)
- Macroeconomics for Business (MGT 209)
- Cost and Management Accounting (MGT 212)
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management (MGT 223)
- Fundamentals of Financial Management(MGT 215)
B.B.S. Third Year
List of Subjects:
- Business Law (MGT 204)
- Foundation of Financial Systems (MGT 226)
- Business Environment and Strategy (MGT 217)
- Taxation in Nepal (MGT 224)
- Fundamentals of Marketing (MGT 214)
B.B.S. Fourth Year
List of Subjects
- Entrepreneurship (MGT 225)
- Fundamentals of Investment (MGT …….)
- Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (MGT …)
- Financial Market and Institution (MGT…)
- Taxation in Nepal (MGT 224)
- Final Project (Mgt 401)
Bachelor of Arts (Humanities and Social Sciences)
B.A. First Year
Compulsory Subjects:
- Compulsory English (401)
Major Subjects:
- Introduction to Sociology (So.421)
- Dynamics of Nepali Society (So.422)
- Adhunik Nepali Katha, Uyanyas Ra Natak (Nep421)
- Adhunik Nepali Kabita Ra Kabya (Nep422)
- Microeconomics (Econ.421)
- Mathematics and Statics for EconomicsEconomics (Econ.422)
B.A. Second Year
Compulsory Subjects:
- Compulsory Nepali (402)
Major Subjects:
- Sociological Theories (So.423)
- Research Methods in Sociology (So.424)
- Nepali Lok Sahitya Ra Purba Adhunik Nepali Sahitya (Nep.423)
- Adhunik Nepali Nibandha, Yatra Sahitya Ra Anya Sahitya (Nep.424)
- Macro Economics of Nepali (Econ. 423)
- Develpoment Econimics, Planning and the Economics of Nepal(Econ. 424)
B.A. Third Year
Compulsory Subjects:
- Reading and Writing Across Disciplines (Compulsory English 403)
Major Subjects:
- Social Diversity and Inequality (So.425)
- Sodhpatra (Nep.425 ka)
- Adhunik Nepali Aakhyanko Uttarwarti Charan (Nep.425 nga)
- Public Finance (Eco.425)
Elective Subjects:
Political Science:
- Government and Election In Nepal (Pol. Sc.410)
- Population Diversity of Nepal (Pop.410)
B.A. Fourth Year
Compulsory Subjects:
- Nepal Addhayan (NPS 404)
Major Subjects:
- Bhasa Bigyan ra Nepali Bhasa (Nep. 426 ka)
- Adhunik Nepali Geet Tatha Gajal (Nep. 426 kha)
- Sahitya siddhanta, Nepali Samalochana ra Sodhbidhi (Nep. 427)
- Sociology of Development (So 427)
- Academic Research and Writing (So428)
- Money, Financial System and International Trade (Econ.426)
- Research Methodology and Academic Writing (Econ.427)
Bachelor of Education (B. Ed.)
B. Ed. First Year
Compulsory Subjects:
- Philosophical & Sociological Foundation of Education (Ed412)
- General English (Eng.411)
- Compulsory Nepali (Nep.401)
Major Subjects:
- Foundation of Language and Luinguistics (ENG416)
- Reading Writing & Critical Thinking (ENG417)
- Nepali Katha ra Upanyash (NEP416)
- Nepali Natak, Ekanki ra Nibandha (NEP417)
- Foundation of Health Education (HP416)
- Foundation of Physical Education (HP417)
- Foundation of Population Education (POP416)
- Quality of Life (POP416)
- Economic Analysis (ECO416)
- Quantitative Techniques (ECO417)
- Foundation of Mathemetics (MATH416)
- Calculus (MATH417)
Minor Subjects:
- Population: Foundation of Population Education (POP418)
- Health: Foundation of Health Education (HED418)
- Nepali: Nepali Katha Ra Upanyash (NEP418)
B. Ed. Second Year
Compulsory Subject:
- Educational Psychology
Major Subjects:
- Expanding Horizons In English (ENG 422)
- English for Communication (ENG 423)
- Basic of Academic Writing (ENG 424)
- Bhasa Bigyan ra Nepali Bhasa (NEP 422)
- Nepali Kabita Kabya (NEP423)
- Nepali Bhasa Pathyakram, Pathyapustak tatha Sikshan Padddati (NEP424)
- Fundamentals of Public Health (HP 422)
- Mgmt. & Supervision of Health & Phy.Edu. (HP 423)
- Sports Science & Games (HP424P)
- Population Situation of Nepal (POP422)
- Population Dynamics (POP423)
- Basic Environmental Education (POP4224)
- Nepalese Economy (ECO422)
- Economics of Development & Planning (ECO423)
- Economics of Education (ECO424)
- Geometry (MATH422)
- Real Analysis (MATH423)
- The Historicsl Development of Mathematics (MATH424)
Minor Subjects:
- Population Situation of Nepal ( POP428)
- Population Dyanamics (POP429)
- Fundamentals of Public Health (HED428)
- Mgmt & Supervision of Health Edu. (HED429)
- Bhasa Bigyan ra Nepali Bhasha (NEP428)
- NEP429 Nepali Kabita Kabya (NEP429)
B. Ed. Third Year
Compulsory Subject:
- Curriculum and Evaluation (Ed431)
Major Subjects:
- English Language Teaching Method Methods& Practices (ENG432)
- Critical Readings in English (ENG433)
- English for Mass Communication (ENG434)
- Nepali Bhasha Sikshen NEP432
- Prayogic Bhasha Bigyan NEP433
- Sahityashastra Ra Nepali SamalochanaHealth NEP434
- Teaching Health and Physical Education (HP432)
- Enviromental Health & Health Promotion (HP433)
- Basic Research&Project Meet in Health& Physical Education (HP434)
- Method of Teaching Population Education (POP432)
- Fundamental of Sexual and Reproductive Health (POP433)
- Basic Research in Population Education (POP434)
- Methods Of Teaching Economics (ECO432)
- Government Finance and Financial System (ECO433)
- International EconomicsMathmatics (ECO434)
- Teaching Mathematics at Secondary Level (MATH432)
- Modern Algebra (MATH433)
- Annalytical Geometry (MATH433)
Minor Subjects:
- Population: Method of Teaching Population Education (POP439)
- Nepal: Nepali Bhasasikhen (NEP439)
- Health: Teaching Health Education (HED438
B. Ed. Fourth Year
Compulsory Subjects:
- Teaching Practice (Ed 440)
- Classroom Instruction (Ed 442)
Major Subjects:
- Reserch Methodology in English Education (ENG 445)
- Literature for Language Development Nepali (ENG 446)
- Anushandhan Bidhi (NEP 445)
- Bayabharik Lekhan Ra Sampadan (NEP 446)
- School Health Programme & Community Health Survey (HP 445)
- Sports Training in Physical Education (HP 446)
- Fundamentals of Ageing (POP445)
- Project Work and Seminor on Population Education (POP446)
- Managerial Economics and Research in Economic Education (ECO445)
- Population Economics (ECO446)
- Linear Algebra & Vector Analysis (MATH445)
- Advanced Calculus (MATH446)
Minor Subjects:
- Population: Project Work and Seminor on Population Education (POP449)
- Nepali: Bayabharik Lekhan Ra Sampadan (NEP449)
- Health: School Health Programme & Community Health Survey (HED448)
Graduate Programme (Masters)
Masters of Curriculum Development and Evaluation Education
First Semester
Compulsory Subjects:
- Foundations of Education (Ed. 511)
- Advanced Educational Psychology (Ed. 513)
Specialization Subjects:
- Foundations of Curriculum (Ed. CE. 515)
- Programme Evaluation (Ed. CE. 516)
- Psychological Testing (Ed. CE. 517)
- Curriculum for Diversity in Education (Ed.CE. 518)
Second Semester
Compulsory Subjects:
- Curriculum Practices (Ed. 521)
- Education and Development (Ed. 522)
Specialization Subjects:
- Curriculum Theory (Ed. CE. 525)
- Test Theory (Ed. CE. 526)
- Test Development (Practical) (Ed. CE. 527)
- Curriculum Evaluation and Research (Ed. CE. 528)
Third Semester
Compulsory Subjects:
- Research Methodology in Education (Ed. 532)
- Measurement and Evaluation in Education (Ed. 533)
Specialization Subjects:
- Classroom Instruction (ED. CE. 535)
- Emerging Perspectives in Curriculum (ED.CE.539)
- Project on Program and Curriculum Evaluation (practical) (Ed. CE. 537)
- Application of Statistics in Education (Ed. CE. 538)
Fourth Semester
Compulsory Subjects:
- Contemporary Educational Issues (Ed. 541)
- Teaching Practice (Ed.542)
- Thesis Writing (Ed. 544)
Specialization Subjects:
- Qualitative Research (Ed. CE. 545)
Masters of Health Education (M. Ed. Health)
First Semester
Compulsory Subjects:
- Foundations of Education (Ed. 511)
- Advanced Educational Psychology (Ed. 513)
Specialization Subjects:
- Advanced Health Education (H. Ed. 515)
- Fundamentals of Epidemiology (H. Ed. 516)
- Human Sexuality and Reproducive Health Education (H. Ed. 517)
- Health Promotion (H. Ed. 518)
Second Semester
Compulsory Subjects:
- Ed. 521 Curriculum Practices
- Ed. 522 Education and Development
Specialization Subjects:
- H. Ed. 526 Nutrition Education
- H. Ed. 527 Community Health
- H. Ed. 528 Community Organizing for Health Education
- H. Ed. 529 Health Promoting Schools
Third Semester
Compulsory Subjects:
- Research Methodology in Education (Ed. 532)
- Measurement and Evaluation in Education (Ed. 533)
Specialization Subjects:
- Instructional Technology in Health Education (H. Ed. 535)
- Seminar in Issues of Health and Health Education (practical)(H. Ed. 537)
- Applied Health Education Research (H. Ed. 538)
- Health Education Planning and Management (H. Ed. 539)
Fourth Semester
Compulsory Subjects:
- Contemporary Educational Issues Ed. 541
- Teaching Practice Ed. 542
- Thesis Writing Ed. 544
Specialization Subjects:
- Health Psychology (H. Ed. 546)