Undergraduate Program

Bachelor of Business studies (Management)

B.B.S. First Year

List of Subjects:

  1. Business English (MGT 201)
  2. Business Statistics (MGT 202)
  3. Microeconomics for Business (MGT 207)
  4. Financial Accounting and Analysis (MGT 211)
  5. Principles of Management (MGT 213)

B.B.S. Second Year

List of Subjects:

  1. Business Communication (MGT 205)
  2. Macroeconomics for Business (MGT 209)
  3. Cost and Management Accounting (MGT 212)
  4. Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management (MGT 223)
  5. Fundamentals of Financial Management(MGT 215)

B.B.S. Third Year

List of Subjects:

  1. Business Law (MGT 204)
  2. Foundation of Financial Systems (MGT 226)
  3. Business Environment and Strategy (MGT 217)
  4. Taxation in Nepal (MGT 224)
  5. Fundamentals of Marketing (MGT 214)

B.B.S. Fourth Year

List of Subjects

  1. Entrepreneurship (MGT 225)
  2. Fundamentals of Investment (MGT …….)
  3. Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (MGT …)
  4. Financial Market and Institution (MGT…)
  5. Taxation in Nepal (MGT 224)
  6. Final Project (Mgt 401)

Bachelor of Arts (Humanities and Social Sciences)

B.A. First Year

Compulsory Subjects:

  1. Compulsory English (401)

Major Subjects:


  1. Introduction to Sociology (So.421)
  2. Dynamics of Nepali Society (So.422)


  1. Adhunik Nepali Katha, Uyanyas Ra Natak (Nep421)
  2. Adhunik Nepali Kabita Ra Kabya (Nep422)


  1. Microeconomics (Econ.421)
  2. Mathematics and Statics for EconomicsEconomics (Econ.422)

B.A. Second Year

Compulsory Subjects:

  1. Compulsory Nepali (402)

Major Subjects:


  1. Sociological Theories (So.423)
  2. Research Methods in Sociology (So.424)


  1. Nepali Lok Sahitya Ra Purba Adhunik Nepali Sahitya (Nep.423)
  2. Adhunik Nepali Nibandha, Yatra Sahitya Ra Anya Sahitya (Nep.424)


  1. Macro Economics of Nepali (Econ. 423)
  2. Develpoment Econimics, Planning  and the Economics of Nepal(Econ. 424)

B.A. Third Year

Compulsory Subjects:

  1. Reading and  Writing Across Disciplines (Compulsory English 403)

Major Subjects:


  1. Social Diversity and Inequality (So.425)


  1. Sodhpatra (Nep.425 ka)
  2. Adhunik Nepali Aakhyanko Uttarwarti Charan (Nep.425 nga)


  1. Public Finance (Eco.425)

Elective Subjects:

Political Science:

  1. Government and Election In Nepal (Pol. Sc.410)


  1. Population Diversity of Nepal (Pop.410)

B.A. Fourth Year

Compulsory Subjects:

  1. Nepal Addhayan (NPS 404)

Major Subjects:


  1. Bhasa Bigyan ra Nepali Bhasa (Nep. 426 ka)
  2. Adhunik Nepali Geet Tatha Gajal (Nep. 426 kha)
  3. Sahitya siddhanta, Nepali Samalochana ra Sodhbidhi (Nep. 427)


  1. Sociology of Development (So 427)
  2. Academic Research and Writing (So428)


  1. Money, Financial System and International Trade (Econ.426)
  2. Research Methodology and Academic Writing (Econ.427)

Bachelor of Education (B. Ed.)

B. Ed. First Year

Compulsory Subjects:

  1. Philosophical & Sociological Foundation of Education (Ed412)
  2. General English (Eng.411)
  3. Compulsory Nepali (Nep.401)

Major Subjects:


  1. Foundation of Language and Luinguistics (ENG416)
  2. Reading Writing & Critical Thinking (ENG417)


  1. Nepali Katha ra Upanyash  (NEP416)
  2. Nepali Natak, Ekanki ra Nibandha (NEP417)


  1. Foundation of Health Education (HP416)
  2. Foundation of Physical Education (HP417)


  1. Foundation of Population Education (POP416)
  2. Quality of Life (POP416)


  1. Economic Analysis (ECO416)
  2. Quantitative Techniques (ECO417)


  1. Foundation of Mathemetics (MATH416)
  2. Calculus (MATH417)

Minor Subjects:

  1. Population: Foundation of Population Education (POP418)
  2. Health: Foundation of Health Education (HED418)
  3. Nepali: Nepali Katha Ra Upanyash (NEP418)

B. Ed. Second Year

Compulsory Subject:

  1. Educational Psychology                             

Major Subjects:


  1. Expanding Horizons In English  (ENG 422)
  2. English for Communication  (ENG 423)      
  3. Basic of Academic Writing  (ENG 424)


  1. Bhasa Bigyan ra Nepali Bhasa (NEP 422)
  2. Nepali Kabita Kabya           (NEP423)
  3. Nepali Bhasa Pathyakram, Pathyapustak tatha Sikshan Padddati  (NEP424)


  1. Fundamentals of Public Health (HP 422)
  2. Mgmt. & Supervision of Health & Phy.Edu. (HP 423)          
  3. Sports Science & Games (HP424P)


  1. Population Situation of Nepal (POP422)
  2. Population Dynamics (POP423)
  3. Basic Environmental Education (POP4224)


  1. Nepalese Economy (ECO422)
  2. Economics of Development & Planning (ECO423)
  3. Economics of Education (ECO424)


  1. Geometry (MATH422)                   
  2. Real Analysis (MATH423)
  3. The Historicsl Development of Mathematics  (MATH424)

Minor Subjects:


  1. Population Situation of Nepal ( POP428)
  2. Population Dyanamics (POP429)


  1. Fundamentals of Public Health (HED428)
  2. Mgmt & Supervision of Health Edu. (HED429)


  1. Bhasa Bigyan ra Nepali Bhasha (NEP428)
  2. NEP429 Nepali Kabita Kabya (NEP429)

B. Ed. Third Year

Compulsory Subject:

  1. Curriculum and Evaluation (Ed431)            

Major Subjects:


  1. English Language Teaching Method Methods& Practices (ENG432)
  2. Critical Readings in English (ENG433)
  3. English for Mass Communication (ENG434)


  1. Nepali Bhasha Sikshen NEP432
  2. Prayogic Bhasha Bigyan NEP433
  3. Sahityashastra Ra Nepali SamalochanaHealth NEP434


  1. Teaching Health and Physical Education (HP432)
  2. Enviromental Health & Health Promotion (HP433)
  3. Basic Research&Project Meet in Health& Physical Education (HP434)


  1. Method of Teaching Population Education (POP432)
  2. Fundamental of Sexual and Reproductive Health (POP433)
  3. Basic Research in Population Education (POP434)


  1. Methods Of Teaching Economics (ECO432)
  2. Government Finance and Financial System (ECO433)
  3. International EconomicsMathmatics (ECO434)


  1. Teaching Mathematics at Secondary Level (MATH432)
  2. Modern Algebra (MATH433)
  3. Annalytical Geometry (MATH433)

Minor Subjects:

  1. Population: Method of Teaching Population Education (POP439)   
  2. Nepal: Nepali Bhasasikhen (NEP439)
  3. Health: Teaching Health Education (HED438          

B. Ed. Fourth Year

Compulsory Subjects:

  1. Teaching Practice (Ed 440)
  2. Classroom Instruction (Ed 442)                   

Major Subjects:


  1. Reserch Methodology in English Education (ENG 445)
  2. Literature for Language Development Nepali (ENG 446)


  1. Anushandhan Bidhi (NEP 445)
  2. Bayabharik Lekhan Ra Sampadan (NEP 446)


  1. School Health Programme & Community Health Survey (HP 445)
  2. Sports Training in Physical Education (HP 446)


  1. Fundamentals of Ageing (POP445)
  2. Project Work and Seminor on Population Education (POP446)


  1. Managerial Economics and Research in Economic Education (ECO445)
  2. Population Economics  (ECO446)


  1. Linear Algebra & Vector Analysis (MATH445)
  2. Advanced Calculus (MATH446)

Minor Subjects:

  1. Population: Project Work and Seminor on Population Education  (POP449)
  2. Nepali: Bayabharik Lekhan Ra Sampadan (NEP449)
  3. Health: School Health Programme & Community Health Survey (HED448)

Graduate Programme (Masters)

Masters of Curriculum Development and Evaluation Education

First Semester

Compulsory Subjects:

  1. Foundations of Education (Ed. 511)
  2. Advanced Educational Psychology (Ed. 513)

Specialization Subjects:

  1. Foundations of Curriculum (Ed. CE. 515)
  2. Programme Evaluation  (Ed. CE. 516)
  3.  Psychological Testing (Ed. CE. 517)
  4.  Curriculum for Diversity in Education (Ed.CE. 518)

Second Semester

Compulsory Subjects:

  1. Curriculum  Practices (Ed. 521)
  2. Education and Development (Ed. 522)

Specialization Subjects:

  1. Curriculum Theory  (Ed. CE. 525)
  2. Test Theory (Ed. CE. 526)
  3. Test Development (Practical) (Ed. CE.  527)
  4. Curriculum Evaluation and Research (Ed. CE. 528)

Third Semester

Compulsory Subjects:

  1. Research Methodology in Education (Ed. 532)
  2. Measurement and Evaluation in Education (Ed. 533)

Specialization Subjects:

  1. Classroom Instruction (ED. CE. 535)
  2. Emerging Perspectives in Curriculum (ED.CE.539)
  3. Project on Program and Curriculum Evaluation  (practical) (Ed. CE. 537)
  4. Application of Statistics in Education  (Ed. CE. 538)

Fourth Semester

Compulsory Subjects:

  1. Contemporary Educational Issues (Ed. 541)
  2. Teaching Practice (Ed.542)
  3. Thesis Writing (Ed. 544) 

Specialization Subjects:

  1. Qualitative Research  (Ed. CE. 545) 

Masters of Health Education (M. Ed. Health)

First Semester

Compulsory Subjects:

  1. Foundations of Education (Ed. 511)
  2. Advanced Educational Psychology (Ed. 513)

Specialization Subjects:

  1. Advanced Health Education (H. Ed. 515)
  2. Fundamentals of Epidemiology (H. Ed. 516)
  3. Human Sexuality and Reproducive Health Education (H. Ed. 517)
  4. Health Promotion (H. Ed. 518)

Second Semester

Compulsory Subjects:

  1. Ed. 521 Curriculum  Practices
  2. Ed. 522 Education and Development

Specialization Subjects:

  1. H. Ed. 526 Nutrition Education
  2. H. Ed. 527 Community Health
  3. H. Ed. 528 Community Organizing for Health Education
  4. H. Ed. 529 Health Promoting Schools

Third Semester

Compulsory Subjects:

  1. Research Methodology in Education (Ed. 532)
  2. Measurement and Evaluation in Education (Ed. 533)

Specialization Subjects:

  1. Instructional Technology in Health Education (H. Ed. 535)
  2. Seminar in Issues of Health and Health Education  (practical)(H. Ed. 537)
  3. Applied Health Education Research (H. Ed. 538)
  4. Health Education Planning and Management (H. Ed. 539)

Fourth Semester

Compulsory Subjects:

  1. Contemporary Educational Issues Ed. 541
  2. Teaching Practice  Ed. 542
  3. Thesis Writing Ed. 544 

Specialization Subjects:

  1. Health Psychology (H. Ed. 546)